
    Scylla used to be very beautiful.  One day she was swimming and Posiedon saw her.  He fell in love.  Posiedon's wife, Amphitrite, saw what was happening and hated Scylla for it.  She was so mad so she turned her into a monster with twelve legs and six heads.  Amphitrite also gave her intense hunger, and made her want to eat humans.  She would use her long legs to grab sailors off any ship that she could reach.  She would take six- one for each of her heads.


    Charybis was also a beautiful women before she was turned into a hideous monster.  She was daughter of Poseidon, God of the Sea.  She was always on her fathers side when he battled Zeus, God of the Sky and Earth.  Charybdis rode the waves that Posiedon made and swept up land.  Zeus became angry at her for this and he made her whole head a mouth and gave her thirst instead of hunger.  Three times a day she sucks up water from the ocean and spits it out creating a whirlpool that nobody can escape from.  Charybdis lives on an island right across from Scylla, so ships can't make it through without either dying in a whirlpool or getting eaten.